Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Nimrod the Mighty Hunter

And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. Genesis 10:8-10

Steps 4, 5

Nimrod was a descendent of Ham. He was a mighty man, meaning he had great strength, energy, and yet may have had some of his grandfather’s lack of respect. Nimrod initiated the building up of his kingdom. His primary city was Babel – the gate of God in the land of Shinar – where the future city of Babylon would be built. Nimrod appears to be rebelling against the counsel of God to Noah to “be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the Earth. Nimrod wanted a kingdom and a city to rule over it, rather than being a farmer and living in the country. Nimrod was rebelling against the plans of God and his rebellion would come to fruition in the Babylon of Revelation 17.

Prayer for Today: Lord, mankind escaped from the old-world and in just a few generations was back to rebelling against You and Your plans. We know how easy it is to rebel. Please teach us how to surrender to Your plans and to trust that Your plans are better than our own. We want to know You and trust You, and we again ask Your help today.

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