Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Egypt Rejects the God of Israel

Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph. And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we: Come on, let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply, and it come to pass, that, when there falleth out any war, they join also unto our enemies, and fight against us, and so get them up out of the land. Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Raamses. But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel. And the Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with rigour: And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in morter, and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field: all their service, wherein they made them serve, was with rigour. Exodus 1:8-14

Steps: 1

Egypt developed a King/Pharaoh who chose to deny the history of what Joseph did for Egypt. This King did not want to acknowledge what God had done for them through Joseph. This King chose to believe that Egypt’s national history was not dependent upon an outsider for help. They chose to believe a tradition over the truth and thus shut God out of their memories and chose to persecute the very people of the man that had been so instrumental in saving them as a nation. Thus they rejected God in the person of His saints, the Israelites. Egypt did not want God to reign over them.

Prayer for Today: Help us to remember that when You choose to deliver us by people that it is not the people so much as Your power that saves. Help us to remember that behind any good thing is the God who sent for, or arranged for, the good gift. Help us not to forget You or the person You have chosen to send to help us. Thank You for Your tender mercies to us. We pray today that we will not forget Your tender love for us.

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